Tuesday, May 31, 2011


     The "Shoescape" artworks are ones that I always do with fourth grade, and I am continually so very impressed! The creative and wonderful responses the kids have to the challenge of placing their own shoes (drawn as a still life) into a readable and unique environment is such a treat to see.  We use scale in the environments to make the space seem real, even if it is an impossible scenario.  Through the course of this project, we talked a lot about what viewers would understand from their works.  The students wrote a few sentences to go with their artworks to help explain their thoughts.  They worked so hard on these artworks, and I really think their efforts show! 

     We used actual watercolor paper for these paintings and the students enjoyed being "real" watercolor painters.  Each student was challenged to use a watercolor wash, layering, and mixing techniques in their paintings.


  1. I love the idea of doing a self portrait in a different way. These are great!

  2. I love this project.
    Great work from your students.

  3. These are great! What a great way to teach kids so many different concepts, self-portraiture, water color, perspective. Thanks for sharing!
