Friday, March 22, 2013

Suffield's Arcade: A School Wide Creative Experience

     After seeing the short films about Cain's Arcade, our principal, Mrs. Bookman was inspired to have a cardboard/recycle arcade here at Suffield.  Our students were challenged to design and create arcade games completely made from repurposed cardboard, empty containers, or any other materials that would normally be thrown away.  The students could make the game on their own, with their families, or with a friend.
     It was so much fun to see the kids hauling their creations into the school today on what doesn't LOOK like the last day before spring break (due to the snow)! 

    Once the games were all inside and set up in the gym, the kids came down one grade level at a time to play in our arcade.  The kids had a blast and were so proud of their own games.  Today was a fun and exciting day for an art teacher!  I am proud of all of our students' and their families' efforts to invent and create.  I loved this school-wide creative experience and hope we can do more! 


  1. It was a wonderful event! Thank you for putting this together so quickly and getting it up for our families to see!
    Mrs. Bookman

  2. Awesome idea. Also, greetings from another Ohio art teacher! I teach 1-5 art in Dublin, just outside of Columbus. if you're interested. Happy spring break!

  3. Very cool! I just shared your link on my blog:
